Havel metal foam GmbH
Am Maschinenhaus 3
14774 Brandenburg an der Havel
Managing Director: 
Friedrich Schuller, Dr. Max Iann

Potsdam Local Court HRB 25961 P
Brandenburg finance office
Tax number: 048/110/04109
VAT ID: DE287550713

Phone: +49 03381 80 43 88 20

Person in charge of contents according to
Section 6 MDStV: Dr. Max Iann

Havel metal foam GmbH strives to comply with applicable copyrights in all publications. However, should there still be an infringement of copyright, Havel metal foam GmbH will, after receiving a corresponding notification, remove the affected object from its publication or indicate the applicable copyright.

The content of these sites has been carefully edited and reviewed. Havel metal foam GmbH, however, shall not warrant for the timeliness, accuracy or completeness of the information provided. 

This disclaimer shall be considered as part of the website this site was linked from. If parts or individual wordings of this text do not, do no longer or do not fully comply with the applicable laws, the remaining parts of the document shall not be affected thereof regarding their content and their validity.

Image sources
Havel metal foam GmbH, Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik IWU, iStock Photo

Screen design/realisation:
MARKETINGZEIT.DE · Tel. +49 (0) 3381 32 070 85